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Pick the best books of the year across 17 categories! Opening round: Nov. 15th to Nov. 27th

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Maitra Khatri has made progress on A Game of Thrones

On page 129 of 987
A Game of Thrones Cover

A Game of Thrones

by George R.R. Martin
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Summers span decades. Winter can last a lifetime. And the struggle for the Iron Throne has begun.As Warden of the North, Lord Eddard Stark counts it a curse ....More

Maitra Khatri reviewed The Inheritance Games

  4.05    Read Maitra's Review
The very first thing that I noticed was the narration, the entire book is from the POV of the Mystery Girl, Avery Grambs. We don’t have the Author or a Third Person narrating the story, we get into and move ahead into the story with Avery. We know all her thoughts and information that only and only she knows... More
The Inheritance Games Cover

The Inheritance Games

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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Avery has a plan: keep her head down, work hard for a better future. Then an eccentric billionaire dies, leaving her almost his entire fortune. And no one, least of all Avery, knows why.They had everything... More

Maitra Khatri wants to read

The Hawthrone Leagacy Cover

The Hawthrone Legacy

by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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The Inheritance Games ended with a bombshell, and now heiress Avery Grambs has to pick up the pieces and find the man who might hold the answers to all of her questions....More

Prithvi is reading

Samsara Cover

Samsara: Enter the Valley of the Gods

by Saksham Garg
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Phones stop working. Smartwatches die out. Arms start glowing with blue scars.And training begins the very next day for Aman Chandra and ten other Souls of Samsara, who are ....More

Latika rated a book

The Hidden Hindu 2 Cover

The Hidden Hindu 2

by Akshat Gupta
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The first battle is lost. The book of Mritsanjeevani is in the wrong hands but Nagendra's plans are not limited only to immortality. What seemed to be the end of all wars was just the beginning of an....More

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